Want to be a part of the hottest LIVE show for Firefighters, The WEEKLY SCRAP, podcast? If you find value in the show, and the work that goes into it, you can now show your support and become an exclusive VIGILANTE Member! Want to know more about the Vigilantes? Click the link!
The Vigilantes.

The Book of Search produced by Firehouse Vigilance. A book by Firefighters - for Firefighters! The Book of Search will be an invaluable tool for the fire service, and the best part… The PDF is 100% FREE to anyone and everyone! There will be a physical copy available for purchase and100% of the profits go to Firefighter Rescue Survey

Are fires getting worse, or are the firefighters?
Not so long ago in the fire service, fires were a high-frequency and low risk event because we were running them a lot more. Today they would be classified as a low-frequency high-risk event, firefighters aren’t